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BIS General Meeting Advance Notice & Documents

All documents relating to the British Ice Skating General Meeting 2021 can be found at the bottom of this page.

In line with the articles of association of BIS (the “Articles”), the BIS Board of Directors hereby gives:

Advance Notice of the BIS 2021 General Meeting (the “GM”), to be held at EIS Sheffield, Coleridge Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 5DA and digitally via Zoom on Tuesday 25th May 2021, at 6:00pm.

Members should note that, in light of the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, it is not possible for all members to attend the meeting in person. In addition, under the Articles the business of this GM must be voted on by either postal or electronic ballot. All voting members must therefore vote in advance of the GM by filling in and returning the postal/electronic voting forms, when available on the BIS website.

Please review the ‘Explanatory Notice’, which is also being published today, and which provides further information regarding voting, ballots, the requirements regarding attendance and members’ questions for this GM.

BIS is committed to protecting the health and well-being of its members and of the general public and therefore, owing to the Covid-19 situation, the GM shall be held as a ‘hybrid meeting’. Accordingly, for the purpose of this GM, physical attendance shall be restricted to twelve voting members to ensure that the GM is quorate in order to conduct the Company business outlined below. Please note that any members unable to attend the GM in person may still attend the meeting via Zoom. For further details, please refer to the ‘Explanatory Notice’.

We are also providing Advance Notice that, in accordance with the Articles, the minimum items of business on the GM Agenda will include:

• the Election of candidates to the position of Vice Chair on the BIS Board, for the ensuing term of office.

Voting Members may put forward to the BIS Board by 19th March (within 14 days of the Advance Notice) proposals for business items and/or resolutions (relevant to the GM and consistent with the Articles) for potential inclusion on the Agenda of the GM. Any such proposals must be supported by a minimum of 10 Voting Members of BIS.

For further information on the nominations and elections processes, please see the:

• Elections Notification for the vacant position on the BIS Board at the following link here.

A Full Agenda (including all relevant resolutions and additional business items) will be published by the BIS Board at least 28 clear days before the GM.

Advance Notice

Explanatory Notice

Vice Chair Role Description

Nomination Form for Board Role

Board Election Notification

Nominated Directors Candidate Information Form

Nominated Directors Candidate Statement

All information was published onto the BIS News section on Wednesday 3rd March, it was made a pinned post and also allocated a place on the BIS homepage in the first banner seen when visiting the site.

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© British Ice Skating 2020
English Institute of Sport
Coleridge Road
S9 5DA
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